Well after going to extra help, and extreme fiddling, i finally got my reactions to work on my blog, yay!
Hmph, critics...
:-p But only cause I feel like it
Well never mind actually... It won't show up if I add it. Well only the bare top of the box does, so unless someone can give me a solution to get it to show more, there will not be one...
Hmph, we shall see, once I get the time, I might be able to work something out.
I like that idea. :) j/k. I don't read posts...I skim them looking for pictures! lol
Well, I am getting help again lol, we shall see if you get your wish or not.
Hahaha, Leah I do the same as you! Hahaha! Only on some people do I read them all the way through.
How do you get the reactions? I'll go press mine now! :)
Actually this work better. If you go to this site it has a guide on how to do it.
WHOA I see scrolling banner. There is no reactions for that so I'm at a loss for pre-defined words. :(
And what pre-defined term would fit into that hmm?
yes. Just fyi, your 's and j is cut off on the scrolling thingy so they look like v's and an i. unless that's what it's supposed to be??? and i was kidding...i read MOST posts. :)
Hmm.. interesting, it looks totally fine to me... Might be your comp
Seems I was late in helping you...
Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you seeking your information.
No you helped me figure things out, including the scrolling banner, thanks.
Last Anonymous,
I don't understand your comment...
What's with the last box, 'I did'? is there supposed to be more? and this is Leah, too lazy to sign in again...
Its the "I did not read this post" button lol, tis only partially visible.
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