Touch of Gray [8/365]  

Posted by Daniel in ,


Touch of gray
Well I need some help on my titles lol. Anyway, my flickr widget is up now, and this will probably be my last 365 post on my blog, the rest will go up just on flickr. Though who knows.. :-p


Posted by Daniel in ,

Posted by Picasa

I have quite a few photos from today, but my non-existent editing skills cut down the useful photos greatly. No caption I could really think of. 

[6/365] Swirly!  

Posted by Daniel in ,

Brownie batter, which then died when I did what I was told by the recipe. It said to put the pan in an ice bath, right out of the oven. That did NOT work well, the pan shattered, the brownies drowned, and there is now glass in our disposal. I am very sad...


Posted by Daniel in , ,


Yum? I don't have a caption lol
Yes, this was for saturday, long day working, and I forgot and I was tired so there.

Where Dreams Go to Die...  

Posted by Daniel in ,


Where dreams go to die...

Would the caption be better without the ... at the end? I decided to create a folder for my 365 pics, much easier to find now.

Life Springs Anew, 365  

Posted by Daniel in ,

Life Springs Anew

Not entirely happy with it, but not a ton of time today. [3/365]

Should We Capitalize?  

Posted by Daniel in

I'm reading through Institutes of Christian Religion by John Calvin, and I noticed that he does not capitalize "he" when referring to God. I've also noticed that the very reputable English standard version of the Bible also does not do this. The New American standard version, and I know others do capitalize "he", though I think that I've seen other versions that don't. Its always been my impression that you capitalize "he" in regards to God, in showing reverence to Him. That as He is God, He should always be shown the greatest respect. Yet, we have great men of the faith - I believe Mathew Henry also did not do this, though I would have to double check -, and also very respected translations of the Bible that do not capitalize the "he". So what do y'all think, is it not a big deal, or should we make a huge effort to always capitalize "he"? Also do y'all have any idea why people have not done it? I would like to hear y'all's opinions on the subject and look forward to the discussion.

I have so many things I want to blog about lol, oh well in time...

These feet will never run 365  

Posted by Daniel in ,


These feet will never run

And so it begins...  

Posted by Daniel in ,

Well this is my first 365 photo, though the question is, do I post it as 1 or post it as 82 (I think)? Also I'm not sure if I want to use flikr for it, as you have to have an account to comment, and they have an upload limit. I could use tumblr, though i dont know a lot about it, or does someone have another suggestion? Anyway here is the photo, i decided to make brownies, and i accidentally doubled the butter whoops... They turned out rather tasty though.

365 anyone?  

Posted by Daniel in

I'm sure at least some of you are familiar with a 365 photo project, generally flikr, or at least thats mostly where I've seen it. If its not obvious, the goal of the project is to take a picture everyday, and then post it along with a caption, or at least just the photo lol. Some I've seen are all self portraits, but bleh, I would get tired of that, not to mention they would probably quickly become all very similar... :-p So anyway, to the point of this post, do y'all think I should try and do it? Keep in mind my poor photography skills, non-existent skills with photo editing, and rather low creativity. Anyway, look forward to see what y'all say.

Bible Study Update, and Thought of the Day  

Posted by Daniel in ,

Well most of you know about my Bible study, and if you don't... Every other week I teach a college-ish age Bible Study at my house. Since awhile back I asked for advice and prayer, well at least prayer lol, about doing a Bible Study, I figured I should update y'all on how its doing. It's going rather well. I have about 10 to 15 people coming regularly. Everyone seems to be enjoying it, and learning from it. It has also been a blessing to me, and teaching and preparing has helped me grow in my walk with the Lord, and is preparing me for when I have a family one day and teach them. I appreciate your original prayers, and please continue to pray for it.

Thought for the Day*
Our pastor is going through Hosea right now at church, which is really cool,  and chapter 5, verse 12, says that God will be like a moth to Ephraim. If you're not familiar with Hosea, it is all about Israel, and their whoring after other gods. This reference to a moth is God saying, that He will destroy what is precious to Israel, destroy their idols, and their places of worship, which were, in fact, where they used to worship Yahweh. Our pastor used it in another, interesting, way though. He pointed out that you can also think of it how, sometimes when your standing outside your front door saying goodnight to friends, moths are buzzing around in your face, sometimes even getting in your mouth or ear. The moths distract us from our conversation. This is  when God puts hurdles in our way when we are going down a sinful path. These hurdles are to distract us, to knock us out of our revere, so we see that what we're doing is not good. I thought it was rather good, and interesting, hope you enjoyed my Thought for the Day.

*Titling this "Thought for the Day" in no way means I will post one everyday. Nor does it require me to post one everyday. If you are unhappy with this state of affairs maybe you should try and convince me to post everyday, or give me ideas of what I could post everyday,. If I did happen to post everyday, I in no way guarantee that it will be worth you reading.

Today I am 20 and 1 month, feel free to send one month gifts :D

Oh noes!  

Posted by Daniel in ,

"Oh noes, we're drowning, save us!"

This pic better, or the first one?

Anyone know of a good site for looking up some good stretches, or exercises?

Shopping Trip Number One Down  

Posted by Daniel in

Well for Christmas my mama made (well kinda lol) me a quilt out of my old t-shirts from when i was a wee lad. But we still need to find the under fabric for it. We went to one fabric store, and I did figure out I probably want flannel, but we couldn't find exactly what I wanted. So if anyone knows of a good fabric store in town, I would appreciate it.

Today is the day!  

Posted by Daniel in

Well today my brother and I, along with a couple of friends, went down to Galveston for the day. I meant to take my camera and take some pictures, but I forgot. Camera not in hand, we walked around the Strand (why that name hmm?), and after attempting to go to Fuddruckers, which was closed, we ended up at Mediterranean Chef Restaurant. Food was rather tasty, but the service was absolutely HORRID. I won't go into details, just know that it was bad. We then found a book shop, bought a couple books, and then got back into our cars, and slowly made our way through the traffic to the beach. *Just heard a horrid pronunciation of incredulous on an audio book* We had a rather enjoyable time at the beach, just walked in the water a bit, no swimming. There is something truly enchanting about the beach/ocean. Well we then stopped at marble slab, and drove off into the sunset, yes we drove into the sunset, really.

I apologize for the lack of pictures.

Oh and on recommendation of a friend, i am listening to Harry Potter on tape. Rather enjoyable for fantasy, if you can get past a couple things.


Posted by Daniel in ,

Well after going to extra help, and extreme fiddling, i finally got my reactions to work on my blog, yay!

TULIP: Irresitable Grace  

Posted by Daniel in , ,

I’m going to start out with saying that this post on Irresistible Grace (IG) is going to be a bit different than my other posts. Irresistible Grace is the doctrine that someone cannot refuse God’s grace in their lives. If God chooses you as elect, you cannot reject salvation. There are no specific verses that speak on IG, but if you hold to either Total Depravity or Perseverance of the Saints, then you basically have to believe in Irresistible Grace.

If we are all totally depraved, then we would all reject God’s “gift” of life. There would not be a single person who would accept. So then IG must be true, or there would be no Christians.  If Christ only died for certain people, and not the entire world, than those who are called (not the general command, but the application of Christ’s blood to someone) must believe or they invalidate Christ’s death.

Alice in Wonderland  

Posted by Daniel in ,

So Thursday night/Friday morning, after Bible Study, a friend, my brother and I went and saw Alice in Wonderland at midnight, it was terribly fun lol. Its a rather good movie, and it's worth seeing. Here are some pictures...

My friend helped me put together my costume for the evening, and this is her wanting to remove my head...

My brother was rather silly, and did not dress up for the evening...
Somewhat serious...

Not at all serious. See if you can find the subtle difference between the two photos, other than how we stand and that we're smiling. 

Oh Dear...  

Posted by Daniel in , ,

Well so I'm drinking coffee again hehe, you may be wondering why... Well i know from previous experiance that coffee, in moderation, doesn't really affect my stomach. Also, my mother pointed out to me this morning that there are more and more people talking about how a lot of people with wheat gluten problems, also have problems with corn gluten. So starting tomorrow, or friday, I will be relinquishing my tasty hold upon corn, and we'll see if that helps any. That I will need more prayer in than coffee, because that cuts my food options down majorly. Well so here goes another of my food journeys, we shall see where it takes me, don't worry, you'll be getting updates... :-p

Oh and if your wondering why I haven't made my next TULIP post yet, its because its rather finicky, but soon I promise... *soon is a relative term*