I found this recipe through a friends blog, who had it from another blog... It looked rather tasty, so I tried it. As anticipated, it twas rather tasty, though the sauce is very sweet, though that might be just cause I had to mess with things a bit... *Insert Side Note* Is "cause" a legitimate word? *End Side Note* The recipe is here, if you would like to try your hand at these tasty, and yet slightly annoying poofie things.If anyone has made these, or something similar, and has advice please give it.
AND it really broke now... I did cook some of them but they were sad indeed.
Second attempt, YAY!!!! it worked, mostly lol, it was not quite as firm as the recipe said it was supposed to be, but idk lol. I think I should have tried whisking the first batch more after adding the sugar and such, but such is life.
Cooking los meringues... It had lots of fun boiling up and being a pain...
The meringues after having been cooked. NOT what they are supposed to look like, but tasty still.
The sauce!
Cooking the sauce!
Sauce in bowls
Finished product
Finished product from a different angle...
So there you have it, poofy things in sauce!
So some of you know I have stomach pain problems that I STILL have not figured out what causes it, even after 2 years of trying different things. So even though I've done it before, I think I'm going to try and not drink coffee for a week or so, doing only tea. So I would much appreciate prayers to be able to stick to it.