As some of you are very aware since you went, I went to the fine arts museum last week, (I think it was last week...) and we saw many, many naked or semi-naked statues and paintings. For me at least they did not provide a stumbling block, but they were disturbing in a way. It made me wonder, is there a real problem with these pictures? Any Christian and even most unbelievers would immediately say that porn is bad, or at least shouldn't be set up in a public place. Are these really any different from porn? If they aren't, then why do we have them up for public display, or go to a place that shows them? Most people would say that viewing art is good, and it helps us grow academically and such, but is it worth being "cultured" and yet damning ourselves? I know if that is the choice I would rather be but a mere peasant, and yet be pure. I don't really know the answers, or haven't decided yet at least lol, thoughts?
Striving to serve the Lord in all I do,
And I would say, the human body is beautiful, because God made it, and it is. So no one can take me up on that lol, but is it proper outside the "bedroom"?
Yes, and as I was thinking about this, I believe viewing naked art is far more beautiful than porno magazine covers, however. Nevertheless, what is the difference? Well, your question sure has been pondering within my mind! :) I'll pray about it, and ask a few other people what they think...
I would say the question shouldn't be if it should be categorized with porn or not but whether it is profitable or edifying. I kinda don't think that looking at naked drawings and statues is edifying.
Just my thoughts. :)
I believe that the fine arts pictures of nudes or semi-nudes are just glorified pornography.Thanks for the post it is nice to see someone bringing up the question.
Every artist paints from a worldview—presuppositions that reveal how he views God, man, and the world around him. So my question is: what can you determine an artist believes about man and where his worth and value is found through nude paintings? It appears to me that man is reduced to nothing more than mere flesh—part of nature. The beauty is removed. I believe a Christian can not and should not paint in such a way. As to viewing such paintings, I agree with Bethany, it is not edifying. (Phil. 4:8) If we’re studying a painting in school that includes nude people, my mom takes a strip of paper or something and covers them. :)
The painting of Michelangelo's David I believe is a very unbiblical picture--with a glorified view of the body of man. Reminds me of the Greeks. :P
Lol, reminds me of practically every culture with art which isn't based on the Bible.
Sadly, our culture is following the trend of paganism and is becoming farther and farther from the values, morals, and ultimately, the Biblical principles that our founding fathers fought and died for! How much longer will we stand by and watch our society continue is corruption? What can we do to change this?
I would have enjoyed going with ya'll to the museum, but now I'm kind of glad I didn't....
Yes Daniel, every culture or society that is not based on Scripture will make man god. But I'm reminded of the Greeks especially because they strongly idolized strength and beauty (shown in their Olympics and pretty much everything else they did).
Michelangelo's David is a good picture of humanism as it presents an idea that man is great and powerful. It's sad though that he turned a well known Bible character into a piece of humanistic art.
It's a good question... I think the crux of the debate is what you said here:
"Most people would say that viewing art is good, and it helps us grow academically and such, but is it worth being "cultured" and yet damning ourselves?"
The simple answer to that is no. It is never justifiable to sacrifice our souls on the altar of culture.
That being said, in your or my specific case, does going to an art museum damn you? I believe you expressed that for you it was not a stumbling block, so I would venture to answer my latter question with a "no" as well.
If going to an art museum and walking past (rather than lingering over) art that portrays nude bodies is causing you or a brother to stumble, I see no harm in visiting an art museum that contains plenty of other art to righteously look at and enjoy.
I personally can go in clean conscience before God and man to the museum, as it does not cause me or a brother/sister to stumble. Again, I am not lingering over them, I am walking past them, just like I would a store poster at the mall (which are created to entice and seduce, vs. art at the museum, regardless of how we view it, their intent was not to induce lust (to my knowledge). If ever the situation arises that it caused a weaker brother to stumble, than I would consider it my privilege and duty to stay far way, to honor that friend. But I think it's a case by case basis and you have to be lead by the Holy Spirit. Romans 14:12-21
So sorry! :-0 That fifth paragraph should have read:
If going to an art museum and walking past (rather than lingering over) art that portrays nude bodies is NOT causing you or a brother to stumble.. (etc.)
heh... such a difference one word makes. ;)
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