
Posted by Daniel in ,

As promised, though somewhat late *cough*, here are pictures of our new dog pumpkin.

She is a tad ridiculous, she enjoys eating kleenex, and if at all possible will climb in your lap...

It is also that lovely time of year where Bluebonnets bloom around campus. I'll try and get some pictures sometime soon. If you have never seen Bluebonnets, or are around campus but don't pass them, I feel immense sorrow for you.

Notes from Gospel Generosity  

Posted by Daniel in ,

I decided that I would post the outline, and my thoughts from the sermon "Gospel Generosity". I thought maybe those of you who don't have the time right now to listen to the sermon but still wanted to get the gist of it might be interested. And if not... Bake me cookies?

Gospel Generosity 2 Cor 8-9
  9 Marks of Gospel Generosity
(My notes are in sub points)
  1. Our Circumstances should not be the decisive factor in our giving. (8:1-6)
  2. We are to excel in our giving (8:7-8)
    1. We would never think twice about being called to grow in utterance, love, faith, etc. However, we never would consider that we should grow/excel in our giving, yet Paul is calling us to.
  3. Our giving should never be separated from the Gospel.  (8:9)
    1. AKA our generosity should never be separated from the generosity of Christ
    2. Even  if Jesus did not die for us, simply that God created us, sustains us, and has gifted us with our money (and everything else), we should give.
  4. Our giving should be according to our needs. (8:10-12)
    1. Don't put yourself into debt by giving to the Church (or elsewhere). However, still have the willingness to give.
  5. Our giving displays the glory of God. (8:13-15)
  6.  Our giving should be done wisely, and with accountability. (8:16-24)
    1. We need to have wise people within the church who are responsible for the funds given, and they need to be held accountable.
  7. God desires our giving to be done cheerfully (9:6,7)
  8. We should give with expectation to gain a harvest (9:8-11)
  9. Our generosity (or lack thereof) is an evidence of the state of our soul. (8:8, 9:12-15)
    1. Certainly simply being generous (or any other good thing) does not grant salvation, but if it is absent in one who claims Christ, we need be deeply concerned.

Gospel Generosity  

Posted by Daniel in ,

So this was supposed to happen over a month ago... Whoops? I wish I could claim being so busy it was not possible to blog, but nope, just lax. Ah well, at least it's here now!

Way back yonder my pastor preached a fantastic sermon (well he always does, but that's besides the point) on what our approach, as Christians, should be to giving. He doesn't talk about what percentage, or how often, or any real specifics, which most people associate with sermons on giving. Instead, it is simply what God's Word has to say on the matter.  Here is the link to our sermon archive, and search for Gospel Generosity. Hopefully tomorrow I will get around to posting my notes/outline for the sermon.

Oh, and I might even post pictures of our new crazy(ish) white lab named pumpkin (we didnt name her)