Well I went biking for the first time in quite awhile. Even though I'm tired, I feel really good at the same time.I think I might try and start doing it everyday for my exercise. I've been trying to run, but i'm not a great runner lol. Oh, I also saw a fairly large turtle in the bayou while I was riding, kinda interesting in the middle of the city. I would have taken a picture, but I have not been able to figure out the zoom on my phone cam... Anyway, just thought I would let y'all know... :-p Oh and does anyone's ears hurt when you exercise?
I went berry picking this morning with my mama, and a home school family from church. It was very enjoyable, and in some ways relaxing as well. Its kinda sad to think that so many people are detached from how their food gets to them. Granted yes, modern conveniences are a wonderful thing, and yes, its nice not having to grow all our own food. However, I think so many people just don't know how it happens, and the wonderful miracles God has put on this earth, and its a shame. Ah well, there goes my rant for the day lol.
It was a rather decent size field by the side of the road.
I realize this has nothing to do at all with berries lol. This is one of the entrances to Sienna Plantation, and those pink flowers just looked fake, even though I know they were not.
P.S. I'm going to try and finish my TULIP series soon, lol, people were SUPPOSED to respond to my downloads post but I guess no one cares...
Well I just decided to post this on here as well as flickr to remind people to check my flickr... :-p
We try and wash ourselves of the deeds we've done, and the tales we've told, but we only come out dirty as before, if not filthier than we went in.
I’ve been thinking about this for a very long time, and I have finally found a spot for it on my blog.
I think most people, if not everyone, reading this have either “illegally” downloaded a book, movie, video game, music, or numerous other things, or are familiar with the concept. For most people, this is either something they do relatively frequently, if not even an everyday occurrence. I wonder though, as Christians, should we be doing this, or is it breaking the 8th commandment? We are clearly commanded not to steal (Ex 20:15), but is downloading music really stealing? You can make the argument that the laws regarding copyrights and such, are not valid as they are not drafted by Congress, and therefore outside the bounds of our government and null and void. You could also say that the laws prohibit copying for monetary gain, but allow copying if it will be given to friends or other for free. So we may be able to make an argument that legally downloading is completely fine, but what about looking at it from a more personal level. How would we feel if we worked hard on a book, spent a year, and a ton of money on making a movie, or spent a couple years producing a video game, and we are trying to make a living off of it, and someone goes and downloads it? (Sorry for the run on…) Would we be ok with it, or would we want to go and whack them on the head and get our money? I certainly don’t have the answer to the question; I can stand on either side of the fence, though I’m not entirely comfortable on either side.
So I would love to get a good discussion going on this topic. Also would it be ok to do, if I wouldn’t end up spending the money on it no matter what the price?
So to break it up into categories a bit, is it ok to download:
Movies? (this includes just watching them online, on an “illegitimate” website)
TV series?
I can’t really think of any others, though certainly feel free to add some. I’m really looking forward to the discussion.
Tomorrow I am doing a major event at school, and I would appreciate prayer that the event wold run smoothly, and that I will have energy. Its going to be a long day, and I probably won't be home till 2am or so. So yes, prayer would be much appreciated.
This was part of the sermon from this past Sunday. I was gonna add something to it, but I can't remember. If I do, i'll add it.
1. We are born again 1 Pet 1:3
2. We know God because of the resurrection. We are given the Holy Spirit.
3. Through the resurrection we are given the ability to repent of our sins. Acts 5:30-32
4. Our fear of death is radically changed. We should no longer fear death, for we have nothing to fear in the next life. Acts 7
5. The resurrection gives us freedom from the penalty and power of sin. Acts 13:38,39
6. The resurrection assures us that the Gospel is true, and that judgment will be dealt out for those who refuse to believe.
7. It is assurance of our justification before God. Rom 4:25
8. We are freed to pursue God. Col 3:1-4
9. We are able to battle sin Col 3:5
10. We are equipped with the very same power that raised Christ from the dead. Eph 1:19-21
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Focaccia & Pesto Buns7 years ago
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ACT...Again.13 years ago
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breathe.14 years ago
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"It's bananas: b-a-n-a-n-a-s!"15 years ago