The next point in TULIP is Unconditional Election. Unconditional Election is the doctrine that God's basis of saving individuals is not based on any merit of the individual, or based on any particular people group. (Eph. 1:4-8; Rom. 9:11)
Total depravity is the doctrine that Man is totally corrupt after the fall. Every single part of us, heart, mind, soul, and body are 100% corrupt, there is absolutely no goodness left in us. No man searches after God, not even a little, nor is there any righteousness to be found in us. (Rom 3:9-18) Our hearts before regeneration are dark, evil things, from which nothing good can come. (Mark 7:21-23) Our heart is also sick, and is said to be “more deceitful than all else”. (Jer 17:9) Unregenerate man is slave to sin, and can obey no other. (Rom 6:16-20) Before God changes us, we think the things of God silly, and frequently even idiotic, we are totally unable to comprehend God and His ways. (1 Cor 2:14) We were dead in our sin and children of wrath, unwilling and unable to come to God. (Eph 2:1,3)
As I've been talking to people and just thinking about it, I believe that there are quite a few people who do not understand the TULIP or that it is indeed based on Biblical evidence. So my endeavor over the next couple weeks will be to explain each point, and to give the Biblical reasons behind each one.
So starting out for those of you who still don't know what I'm talking about lol. TULIP is also known as the five points of Calvinism, it's an acrostic for five very important Biblical principles: Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the saints. I would also like to point out that while I consider myself a Calvinist on many things, I fully understand that John Calvin was simply a man, and as such was a complete sinner. While this is so, I also believe he taught many good, Biblical things, I only follow those principles which are Biblical. While Calvin did believe in infant baptism or paedobaptism, I do not because I believe that the Bible teaches otherwise. I do my best though to search out all my beliefs in the Bible, and ascertain whether they are correct or not. Therefore I believe that the TULIP, while it is a man Organized concept, it is 100% Biblical.
A few days ago I visited Catalina Coffee shop with a friend, which is considered one of the best indie coffee shops in Houston, if not also the US. Most of you know I LOVE coffee, its a passion for me, well I had really been wanting to go to Catalina but had just never made it over there. Well I finally did and it was awesome. Their espresso which I tried was the best I have ever had, it was a bit acidic for my taste, but it nicely coated my tongue, and the flavor was full bodied without being overwhelming. We also got to try chemex pot brewing there too, we were both really excited to try it, and it produced a really clean but tasty cup of coffee. The atmosphere was really nice also, well mostly at least lol, some of their pictures they had on the wall could have been changed but thats to be expected at an indie place. Also there are not many electrical plugs to be had, but that is a minor issue. They also roast their own beans, so if you're really into local its a good place to go. I would definitely recomend visiting it if you like coffee, its on Washington just east of sawyer street.
Hope you enjoy
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breathe.14 years ago
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"It's bananas: b-a-n-a-n-a-s!"15 years ago