I've pondered this before and I decided to put it forth to all of y'all. Do unborns (you could also possibly include very young infants) if they die go to heaven or hell? After a couple days I will post what I believe.
In Christ,
I have had the conversation with friends about companies that support any practice that we have a problem with, and how much should we buy from them. We try and stay away from them when we can, but it's not always possible. So I was wondering how much should we try and boycott a company over an issue, what issues should those be, and when do we say "its their choice to sin and not ours, and its not a big deal to buy from them"? Issues could be, abortion, homosexual marriage, support of a political candidate, environmental issues, or all sorts of things, basically anything that you feel is wrong.
I edited the wording of my post on the advice of my mother.
We are at my grandparents this weekend in Corpus Christi (just a random fact :D), and I realized something as a read Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges this evening. I realized that when I not only read my Bible but also read a "Biblical" book, one that talks about some Biblical issue I'm sure you know what I mean lol, or take part in a Bible study of some kind, I'm much more at peace, and can handle things better. When I don't get this time in, this includes only reading my Bible and nothing else, I find myself struggling with a lot more things and life is just harder. As I think back over much of my summer this was also true when I was on vacation and spent much of my time, or at least some of it, doing these kind of things, I was very much at peace, and life was "easier". I'm gonna be paying attention to it as I go on the next few weeks to see if this is really true or not, but based on current evidence it is. Just a random thing I thought y'all might find interesting, and something to contemplate in your own life, it would be interesting to know if this is true in you're lives too. I guess I would also ask that people would pray for me to be able to find the time to read more during my week, and actually do it too lol.
Christ's servant,
My mom suggested as an idea and something to pray about, that I start an on campus Bible study. The Bible study I go to now is on thursday nights and by then I am really tired and it keeps me up late. There are also no good Bible studies on campus, the one i go to is done by an HBU professor at his home. I would really appreciate y'all praying over the issue, and if anyone has any advice from you or someone you know about it, I would appreciate (yes I know I'm repeating the word lol) it.
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Focaccia & Pesto Buns7 years ago
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ACT...Again.13 years ago
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breathe.14 years ago
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"It's bananas: b-a-n-a-n-a-s!"15 years ago