For some odd reason I love whiteboards, especially when they are being cleaned off. The ones that come almost perfectly clean are the bestest. It just makes me happy to see a whiteboard come perfectly clean. They are also just so useful, being able to draw and write anything you want, and with a swipe start over, they’re awesome. :D
I’m weird, I know :D
As I'm sure some of you are aware Sarah Palin officially resigned from the governorship of Alaska yesterday. Some are saying that she will try for higher office in upcoming races. If this is true I wonder if her opponents will try and use her resignation against her, but I suppose only time will tell. I'm kinda happy about it to be honest, well only if she actually stays at home and takes care of her family... It twill be interesting to see how politics works out for her in the future...
Is it a sin to not homeschool or send your child to a Christian school? Parents are commanded in the Bible to raise up their children in the way they should go. If we send our kids to a public school, or perhaps better to say, to any school that does not teach from a Biblical perspective, is that a sin? Are parents shirking their responsibility if they do this? I don’t know the answer to this question. I hope we can get a good discussion going, I’m throwing it out there to get y’alls thoughts. I was reading a blog this morning and the question popped into my head.
Hope y’all have lots of thoughts on it.
I have discovered something truly awesome on word 2007. You can make table of contents, footnotes, automatic citations and all sorts of wonderful things. I shall henceforth put foot notes in everything… :D Just thought I would share my discovery :D
Before I get to the main point of my post I wanted to point out something kinda ironic in John chapter 6 (which my post is on...). After the feast of the 5000, Christ goes to Capernaum and the Jews follow Him there. He speaks here of Him being the bread of life, and He tells them that if they wish to follow Him they must eat of this bread. It is kinda ironic because verse 66 of chapter 6 (666 :-p) says "As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore." I know that verse numbers are not specifically inspired but it's funny that 6:66 talks about how many people stop following Christ.
Anyway to the main body of the post. Is this discourse Christ speaks of Himself being "the bread of life" (Jh 6:48B). In the following verses He speaks of us having to eat His flesh and drink His blood to receive eternal life.
48 "I am the bread of life.
49 "Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died.
50 "This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die.
51"I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh."
52 Then the Jews {began} to argue with one another, saying, "How can this man give us {His} flesh to eat?”
53 So Jesus said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves.
54"He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day.
55 "For My flesh is true food, and My blood is true drink.
56"He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me, and I in him.”
57"As the living Father sent Me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats Me, he also will live because of Me.
58"This is the bread which came down out of heaven; not as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live forever
Are you willing to do this?
Now He does not really mean eat His physical flesh, certainly now we do not have that ability, and the Bible prohibits cannibalism. What it means is having Him as our very life, the thing which sustains us. You must eat and drink to live, it's fact, food and drink keeps us going, it gives life. If you don't believe me try going with out for a day or two, not gonna go well... So in much the same way if we desire to have eternal life we must partake of Christ. He must be our food, our center, what we strive for everyday, we must always be seeking to give Him glory. Scripture speaks everywhere about Christ/God as our center, do we seek to glorify Him in everything we do, even in eating and drinking? That is what it means to eat of His flesh and drink of His blood.
So I ask again, are you willing?
I love how I frequently say at the beginning of my posts “as some of you know” or some variation thereof, but it’s true so… :D As some of you know I am taking classes at HCC this summer, one of them being microeconomics. I like economics, it’s something I know a fair amount about, and therefore I am kinda bored. The chapter we just read and what my professor said is the most important (I would probably agree) is about supply and demand. I’m hoping I will learn something from this class, maybe I will, maybe I won’t. I suppose this counts as learning, I don’t know lol, but my prof pointed out that demand is not quantity, it is a function of price and demand. Maybe y’all just learned something… If so YAY, if not go read a book… :-p
Goodbye now…
I'm sure many of you know who the Duggar family is, if not please listen to this important announcement. :-p They are a family that live in AR, and they currently have 18 kids, the oldest of which is married. They have a show on TLC called "18 kids and counting", I was watching one of them the other night and found out about a new concept. A gender party. The episode was about Josh (the oldest) and Anna (his wife, duh) and their soon to be born baby. They were trying to figure out how they were going to fairly tell everyone the sex of the baby, without someone feeling left out. They were told of the concept of a gender party. This being that you send the results of the ultrasound to a baker, and they then color the inside of the cake pink or blue (depending on the sex...) and then you have a giant party and slice the cake, and everyone gets to find out together. Side note, it was/is a girl, but thats not the point of this post... :-p Now most of you know that I am majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Management, so any strange concepts like this grab my attention. So anyway thought I would let y'all know, and if anyone knows more about these, or has attended one let me know!
Greetings once again from the land of the hot and muggy,
As some of you know I was at camp for three weeks volunteering,it's a christian camp, and the program is a teen program. We read through all of the Gospel of John in three weeks. It is a truly awesome book, (well obviously the whole Bible is but still :D), it lays out what we as humans are afflicted with (sin) and what is the ONLY cure. Saint Augustine said that John is shallow enough for a child not to drown in but deep enough for an elephant to swim in. John also uses very black and white language, he has no qualms about throwing hard punches, but he readily gives the remedy for our situation. Some of you may be wondering what exactly I mean since quite a bit is the words of Jesus, and that is true. What I mean is that John does not compromise the words of Christ. John also does not compromise the words of those who bore witness to Christ and what He did. As for the title of the post... Jesus really does push the pharisees buttons the whole time. In John 5, Christ tells them that Moses is the one who condemns the pharisees. Which if you understand them at all, Moses to them was basically the pope, he was THE person. So Christ said that their idol was the one who would send them to hell. There is also the instance where Christ heals the blind man, Christ is not specifically talking to them here but it ends up the same. The blind man, when he is questioned by the pharisees after his healing, basically mocks them when he asks them how a sinner could perform all these things that Christ does. I just find it really funny, and then you have Christ disappear when the pharisees are trying to catch Him before His hour has come. It is also a reminder of the AWESOME power of God, i'll be doing a post kinda related to that later...
Anyway, hope that makes sense, i still have a cold and therefore i'm still kinda out of it...
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Focaccia & Pesto Buns7 years ago
Why, hello there, blogosphere.12 years ago
Week at a glance12 years ago
A New Start13 years ago
ACT...Again.13 years ago
Farewell!13 years ago
breathe.14 years ago
Alisha14 years ago
"It's bananas: b-a-n-a-n-a-s!"15 years ago